- AARP - FINANCIAL PLANNING - Connect With the AARP Community
- ABOUT.COM'S GUIDE TO RETIREMENT PLANNING - Learn About Retirement Planning
- AELE - Americans for Effective Law Enforcement
- AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF HEALTH PLANS - America's Health Insurance Plans
- AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT - Review materials by disability and by topic
- AMEX - American Stock Exchange
- ASEC - American Savings Education Council
- ATOZINVESTMENTS.COM - Easy to Understand Guide to Basic Investing and Stocks
- CALPERS ON-LINE - Glossary of Investment Policy Terms
- CENSUS.GOV - U.S. Census Bureau
- CNN MONEY - Retirement Plans and Planning
- CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS - CFR Services Available Online
- DAVIEFOP.ORG - Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #100 Davie, Florida
- Department of Management Services' Division of Retirement - Actuarial Summary Fact Sheet
- EMPLOYEE BENEFIT NEWS - The essential employee benefits resource
- EXPECTMORE.GOV - Expect Federal Programs to Perform Well and Better Every Year
- FEDERAL RESERVE - Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Finance Charts - Retirement Calculators, Financial Planners, & Stock Market Tips - Finance Charts - Retirement Calculators, Financial Planners, & Stock Market Tips
- FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF POLICE ATTORNEYS - Official Site of the Florida Association of Police Attorneys
- FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL - Office of the Attorney General of Florida
- FLORIDA CONSTITUTION - The Constitution of the State of Florida
- FLORIDA LEGISLATURE - Official Site of the Florida Legislature
- FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM - Florida Division of Retirement
- FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 112 - Public Officers and Employees: General Provisions
- FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 119 - Public Records
- FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 175 - Firefighter Pensions
- FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 185 - Municipal Police Pensions
- FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER 286 - Public Business: Miscellaneous Provisions
- FLORIDA STATUTES, SECTION 633.35 - Firefighter Training and Certification
- FLORIDA STATUTES, SECTION 633.382 - Firefighters; Supplemental Compensation
- FLORIDA STATUTES, SECTION 943.22 - Salary Incentive Program for Full-Time Officers
- FPPTA - Florida Public Pension Trustees Association
- FREEERISA - Free Access to Retirement and Benefit Data
- GPO.GOV - U.S. Government Printing Office
- IAA - Investment Adviser Association
- IFEBP.ORG - International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans
- INVESTORWORDS - Investing Glossary
- IRS - Tax Info for Individuals
- LII - The Legal Information Institute, Cornell University
- MEDICARE - Official U.S. Government Site for People with Medicare
- MPF - Municipal Police Officers and Firefighters' Retirement Trust Funds Office (MPF)
- MSN MONEY - Retirement and Wills Center
- NARA - US National Archives & Records Administration
- NCPERS - National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems
- NYSE - New York Stock Exchange
- PBGC.GOV - Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
- PENSIONS - International Newspaper of Money Management
- PLANSPONSOR - News, Info, Tools and Services for Retirement Industry Professionals
- PREA.ORG - Pension Real Estate Association
- S&P/BARRA U.S. EQUITY INDICES - Barra's research capability is unparalleled in the financial community
- SMARTMONEY - RETIREMENT - It's Your Money. Be Smart.
- SOC SEC ADMIN - COVERAGE - How State & Local Gov't Employees Are Covered By Soc Sec & Medicare
- SOC SEC ADMIN - GOVT PENSION OFFSET - Government Pension Offset
- SOC SEC ADMIN - HOME PAGE - Social Security Home Page
- SOC SEC ADMIN - ONLINE HANDBOOK - Online Social Security Handbook
- SOC SEC ADMIN - STATE AND LOCAL GOVT - State and Local Government Provisions
- SOC SEC ADMIN - WINDFALL ELIMINATION - Windfall Elimination Provision
- Social Security for Seniors - A Guide to Social Security for Seniors
- STANDARD & POORS - S&P Global Indices
- STATE & LOCAL GOVT ON THE NET - Florida State and Local Government
- THE RETIRE EARLY HOME PAGE - Online Magazine for People Who Used to Work For A Living
- THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - The United States House of Representatives
- THE U.S. SENATE - The United States Senate
- THOMAS (LIBRARY OF CONGRESS) - Legislative Information on the Internet
- TIAA-CREF - Retirment Planning
- U.S. DEPT OF LABOR - HOME PAGE - Department of Labor Home Page
- U.S. DEPT OF LABOR - LABOR STATS - Bureau of Labor Statistics
- USA.GOV - Entry Point to all Federal Government Material Online
- WHARTON FINANCIAL CENTER - Wharton Financial Institutions Center
- WHITEHOUSE.GOV - The White House